Last updated: 21 May 2024

Next review: 21 November 2024

This content is part of the Waltham Forest JSNA. To see other JSNA content, visit the JSNA landing page

Low birth weight increases the risk of childhood mortality and is associated with poorer health in later life. At a population level there are inequalities in low birth weight, which can indicate differences in maternal lifestyle factors and, or maternity care. Babies are considered a low birth weight if they are born weighing less than 2500 grams at full term, at least 37 weeks' gestation.  

In Waltham Forest in 2021, 91 full-term babies were born at a with low birth weight, which is equivalent to 2.5% of all live term births Waltham Forest.  Compared to the national average of 2.9% and London's rate of 3.3%, Waltham Forest has a lower proportion of term babies with low birth weight.  

Chart for Babies with low birth weight

Source: OHID Public Health Outcomes Framework. Data from Office for National Statistics. Date accessed: 13 April 2023.