Last updated: 21 May 2024

Next review: 21 November 2024

This content is part of the Waltham Forest JSNA. To see other JSNA content, visit the JSNA landing page

As part of the Healthy Child programme, all new parents are offered a new birth visit , NBV from a health visitor within 14 days of birth. During this visit, parents are given the opportunity to discuss their experiences of parenthood, including emotional health, the baby's health and welfare, and family environment and social support.  

The percentage of NBVs completed by the health visiting service within 14 days of birth has decreased over time in Waltham Forest. In 2017 and 18, it was at 96.7%, but in 2021 and 22, it dropped to 69.3%. Based on the latest data, Waltham Forest's performance was lower than London 87.8% and England 82.7 averages. 

Cart of Number of infants receiving a new birth visit by a health visitor

Source: OHID Public Health Outcomes Framework. Data from Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. Date accessed: 13 April 2023.