The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is the ongoing process through which we seek to identify the current and future health, wellbeing and social care needs of the local population. It is a statutory requirement under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 for Local Authorities and their partners to prepare a JSNA. 

The purpose of the JSNA is to provide the commissioners and decision-makers with an overview of the local population and place, and the health and care needs of the residents.  

The 2023 refresh of the Waltham Forest JSNA uses a range of  Public Health Outcomes Framework  indicators and other data sources, such as 2021 Census, to build a picture of the local population.   

The JSNA is divided into the following sections:   

  • Executive summary
  • Population (age, ethnicity, religion, languages, sexual orientation, gender identity, and general health and disability)  
  • Life expectancy (life expectancy at birth, and healthy life expectancy)
  • Wider determinants (deprivation, poverty, school readiness, educational attainment, domestic abuse, homelessness and loneliness)  
  • Health improvement (low birth weight, breastfeeding, healthy weight, smoking, substance misuse, cancer screening, health checks and wellbeing)  
  • Health protection (air pollution, sexually transmitted infections and immunisations)  
  • Premature mortality (infant mortality, preventable mortality and suicide rate).  
  • Long-term conditions (coronary heart disease, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and asthma) 
  • JSNA all sections

Each chapter presents individual indicators alongside a short summary explaining the context for Waltham Forest, in relation to the rest of London, and England as a whole. 

Other public health strategies and reports which inform and set out our approach regarding population health in Waltham Forest: