Waltham Forest supports the development of masterplans in the borough’s industrial areas.  Masterplanning can be an effective tool to make the most efficient use of constrained land, promoting the intensification of industrial use and considering whether various parts of these sites could also accommodate other uses - what is called ‘co-location’.

The development of industrial masterplans is promoted within Waltham Forest’s draft Local Plan and is supported by Policy E7 of the London Plan.  Masterplans should be area specific and should consider the whole of a designated industrial area – which are referred to as either a ‘Strategic Industrial Location (SIL)’ or a ‘Locally Significant Industrial Site (LSIS)’.

Industrial masterplans can be led and produced by Waltham Forest (as the Local Planning Authority) or by another supporting body in conjunction with Waltham Forest.  The masterplan needs to be signed off by the Mayor of London Greater London Authority (GLA).

Further information on the process of developing an industrial masterplan can be found in the GLA’s Practice Note: Industrial intensification and co-location through plan-led and masterplan approaches (November 2018).

In Waltham Forest, we have adopted two industrial masterplans:

The webpages for these masterplans are available on the buttons below:

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