Last updated: 17 May 2024

Next review: 17 May 2025

In May 2020, we launched a new selective licensing scheme which runs until 30 April 2025.

It applies to all privately rented properties let to either an individual, a single family or two unrelated sharers. There are some exemptions, read more.

Landlords must now pay a licence fee of £700 which is split into two parts. This allows the cost of to be spread over several months.  There is a £100 discount available for some multiple properties.  Find out more about property licence costs.

Licences last until up to five years, or until the scheme ends. Licensed properties must meet certain conditions. Read more.

If you fail to comply with the licence conditions, we may act. See our Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy for details.

The scheme runs in all wards across the borough apart from Hatch Lane and Endlebury. Properties in these wards rented to three or more unrelated tenants need an HMO licence.