Weekly food recycling collections coming soon

We are currently rolling out food waste recycling to communal flat properties. 

What will I receive? 

You will receive a 5 litre indoor caddy and compostable bags to line it with. Your communal area will also receive a large grey food waste bin, where you can put your food recycling into. 

How do I recycle my food waste? 

You can store your caddy inside, and we would recommend placing it in the kitchen. Line the caddy with the compostable bag and you can start putting your food waste inside. 

When you are ready, go to your communal food waste bins and empty the contents in there, including your compostable bag. You can then use another compostable bag to start recycling your food waste again. 

What liners shall I use for my indoor caddy? 

Please use the caddy liners provided in your caddy pack. More liners will be available, we will update where you can collect these from soon. 

Not sure what to put in your food recycling collections? 

Do the Council have a statutory duty to collect food waste?

Yes, by March 2026 all Councils must collect food waste separately from residential properties.

Will you be providing compostable caddy liners to put in the food waste bin free of charge?

 Yes, you will be provided with a roll of liners with your caddy pack and these will then be delivered to you.

What do I do if my bin breaks or is taken? 

You can report this via your My Account and we will replace your caddy free of charge.

I produce lots of food waste. Can I order a second caddy?

Ideally, we need every household to try and reduce the amount of food waste they have, so please do try and use whatever food you can before putting it in your food caddy. If you find you need a second caddy, you can request it through your My Account, free of charge.

Can I put bones in the food waste bin? 

Yes, raw or cooked bones can go in the food waste caddy.

Can I put tissues or kitchen towel in the food waste bin?

 No, caddies should be lined with compostable food waste liners.

Why should I recycle my food waste?

A recent analysis of resident’s waste showed us that there is 33% organic material in resident’s refuse bins which could be separated out to be recycled. If all residents recycled their food waste, this would make a big contribution to tackling the climate emergency.

What happens to the food waste that is collected? 

Food waste goes to anaerobic digestion. This is a preferred option as it is a net-energy producing process. Anaerobic digestion also produces a biogas which is a clean and renewable energy source.

Will we have more traffic on our roads as a result of this weekly collection?

The vehicles collecting the food waste are a third the size of the usual dustcarts and therefore are able to navigate their way around collections without causing any additional disruption.

How do I know if my communal block is receiving food recycling collections? 

We have now rolled out to 31% of communal flat properties. If you’re block is receiving collections, you would have received your small kitchen caddies and this large bin will be located outside: 

Image of a communal food recycling collection bin

What should I do if my communal block has an outdoor food recycling collections bin, but haven’t received my indoor caddy? 

If you haven’t yet received it, please make sure you take a look in any communal areas for a caddy – they may have been placed here when they were delivered. If you still don’t have a caddy, please request one on our website: