Looking after the children in our care

Most children we look after are placed with foster carers. Some will live in residential homes and some may still live at home.

Every child in our care between the ages of 0 and 18 years also has their own social worker.

What does my social worker do?

Your social worker is responsible for planning the care that’s provided for you. They’ll work closely with you and other important people in your life to ensure you grow up in a safe and supportive environment. This is the best way to enable you to realise your full potential.

Your care plan will set out how this will happen.

What's a care plan?

It’s a written plan that explains how your care will be safe and help you realise your full potential. Your social worker will write it with you, so your views are always considered.

The plan will cover things like: what you need to be cared for properly, where you’ll go to school, and who you’ll see or have contact with.  You may not always get what you want, but if you don't, the reasons will be carefully explained to you.

We’ll review your care plan every six months at your looked after children child review meeting. This will help ensure the plan always meets your needs.