
We currently partly own this site and have agreed to spend up to £2.14m to buy the adjacent properties of 12 Palmerston Road and 1 Osborne Mews.

This land currently provides storage space for a small number of market traders and a secured tenancy for a housing tenant at 2 Osborne Mews.

Once we've finalised the contracts with the relevant landowners and tenants, we will use this combine site to deliver a range of housing types and tenure. This includes one, two and three bedroom apartments, catering for both the private and affordable market.

What is planned for the site?

  • new homes, including 50 per cent genuinely affordable homes;
  • high quality ground floor commercial and employment space
  • rest room facilities for market traders
  • a meeting room, offices and kitchen for our street trading team

Who will do the work?

We've not decided who will develop the site yet.


The timetable for developing this site has yet to be agreed.


As the scheme progresses, we'll run engagement meetings for residents and businesses. We will publicise these in email newsletters, in particular for those street traders affected by the relocation of their current storage space.

Zoë Sellers, Head of Regeneration Delivery (Central)