We no longer accept applications by post therefore the best way to apply is on the Planning Portal.

The Planning Portal allows you to complete your application form, upload supporting documents, calculate and pay fees in one place.

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What happens when you apply for planning permission

This step-by-step guide explains what happens when you apply for planning permission.

  1. Check if you need planning permission 
  2. Check the cost of your application – Use the fee calculator on the Planning Portal
  3. Ensure you’ve provided the correct information with your application 
  4. (For additional floorspace over 100sqm) Check if you need to be assessed for the Community Infrastructure Levy (see section below)
  5. (For major developments) Check if carbon reduction standards apply to your application (see section below)
  6. Apply for planning permission 
  7. We will validate and acknowledge your application 
  8. We will consult the necessary parties on your application 
  9. The case officer will carry out a site visit 
  10. We will review your application and make a recommendation (see section below)
  11. We will decide on your application 
  12. We issue a decision notice (see section below)

If you aren't happy with our decision, you can appeal

Sending files with your applications

If you need to send us files with your application, there are limits on the types and sizes we can receive:

File Type

  • All drawings should be attached as .pdf (Adobe Acrobat) files.
  • Other files types we accept are .jpg, .doc and .xls files only.
  • All files should be clearly labelled / named referencing the drawings they contain.
  • We cannot accept file attachments over 5MB
  • All drawings submitted electronically must be A3 or smaller.

For live videos please use file types for windows media player such as .mov (from an iphone), .asf, .asx, .wax, .wm, .wma, .wmd, .wmv, .wvx, .wmp, and .wmx.

We are having issues receiving larger files by WeTransfer. Microsoft Outlook users should try Mimecast instead.

You can also save the document / video into a one drive file and share it with the case officer.