
The Avenue Road estate was built in the early 1960s to help using Bisson concrete panels. This was a quick way of building which helped solve the severe housing shortage at that time.

Today, maintenance costs on the estate are high and the flats don't meet modern standards.


  • May to August 2019: Each household on the estate is asked to complete a Housing Needs Survey so we know what accommodation they require. Building Condition Surveys take place.
  • July 2019: Gas supply is capped off to prevent it being used in the flats.
  • 11 July 2019: Waltham Forest Cabinet received a report and decided to allocate funding towards an options study on the future of the estate. Read full details in the report (PDF)
  • Winter 2019: Options discussed with residents
  • Thursday 23 April 2020: Waltham Forest Cabinet receives report on options for the future of the estate.
  • Autumn 2020: Resident engagement on proposals
  • January 2021: Resident ballot on proposal. A majority of residents vote in favour of the proposal for it to go ahead.