Last updated: 6 November 2023

Next review: 6 November 2024

You can use a Subject Access Request (SAR) to see what data we hold about you.

Under a SAR, we'll also tell you:

  • how we collect your information
  • what we use it for
  • how we process the data

There are exceptions where we can’t give you your personal data. This includes if we’re using it to seek legal advice, or it’s been shared by someone else in confidence.

Right of access - Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)

Right to be informed - Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)


Your children's data

Parents do not have an automatic right to information held about their child. That right belongs to the child.

However, if they have parental rights and responsibilities, they may be able to act for their child. In England, parents must have consent once the child has reached the age of 12

If a child is old enough to understand the SAR process, they should be involved and asked for their consent.

Regardless of age, all records belong to the individual. That means anyone else who wants to see a child’s records must prove they’re entitled to ask for this information. This is called parental responsibility.

If parents don’t live with the child, we may need to make further checks to help keep everyone safe.