About the scheme

In 2018, we worked closely with Transport for London (TfL) and Network Rail to install a new bridge between Selborne Road and First Avenue to allow traffic to move from the Victorian-era structure to the new bridge – avoiding costly future maintenance work that would have required the total closure of the gyratory.

As a busy transport interchange and a main access point to the town centre shopping area, we wanted to ensure any changes made have a positive impact on everyone, whether you walk, cycle, use public transport, or drive.

Following a consultation with residents in spring 2018 we transformed the former bridge into a new large public space, complete with pollution absorbing shrubs and trees and space for pop up stalls.

The improvements included:

  • Relocating the 357 and 97 bus stops from Walthamstow Bus Station onto the new gyratory junction
  • A new footway on Hoe Street between Priory Avenue and Queens Road 
  • A new footway on Selborne Road
  • Extending the eastbound bus lane to the bus station entrance 
  • Installing new traffic lights outside the bus station. 

The Walthamstow Gyratory scheme was completed in 2019.

Hoe Street

Concerns were raised by TfL, local businesses and residents about parked vehicles causing significant obstruction, impacting bus services, emergency vehicle response times and contributing to air pollution along Hoe Street. Therefore, we wanted to address this issue alongside work to the Walthamstow Gyratory  

To proposals included:

  • Converting the waiting and loading restrictions to double yellow lines
  • Introducing dedicated 24-hour loading-only bays on Hoe Street and adjoining roads
  • Reallocating parking spaces onto side roads to provide a better balance between free short stay, pay-by-phone and loading-only bays
  • Implementing north and southbound segregated cycle tracks to enhance cycling infrastructure
  • Upgrading street lighting, widening and resurfacing footways to make them safer and more attractive.

The Hoe Street Improvements scheme was completed in spring 2019. 

Consultation and engagement

Between 29 June and 20 July 2015, we conducted a perception survey to find out what local people thought about the area and the type of improvements they would like to see. The survey could be completed online, and around 8,000 paper copies were hand delivered to all households in the area. 

A total of 342 people took part in the perception survey, and their feedback helped create an early design which was presented to over 60 residents at co-design workshops in September and October 2015. During these workshops residents and businesses were able to comment on the plans which was fed into the final design for the scheme. 

A public consultation took place between 11 January and 31 January 2016. A total of 334 people responded to the consultation and 130 residents came to two drop-in sessions to find out more about the designs and ask questions.   

The results of the consultation showed that 44% were positive towards the safer environmental proposals, 43% were neutral and 13% were negative. You can find more information on the consultation results by viewing the PLM report in the useful documents section below.

Important dates

Gyratory public consultation 1 July to 22 July 2018
Hoe Street Improvements statutory consultation 9 March to 30 March 2019

Contact details

020 8496 3000 (to request a call back from the Enjoy Waltham Forest Team)


Enjoy Waltham Forest Team

Low Hall Depot, Argall Avenue, Leyton, London, E10 7AS