Last updated: 8 September 2023

Next review: 8 September 2024

Why has a condition survey been requested?

A Highway Condition Survey is requested for new development sites, and Waltham Forest Highways will check and approve the condition survey before any construction works to start on site. This is usually a pre-commencement planning condition.

This survey is required as evidence to Waltham Forest Highways of the condition of the highway, and in the event of any damage to the highway during the construction period will be used to determine whether the damage is due to construction.

Condition survey dos and don’ts

The photographic survey must show the condition of the footway and carriageway on the frontage and beyond the immediate frontage of a development site, to include any junctions identified on the delivery route near the site.

This is an example of what is expected:


  • Include a location plan.
  • Include a site plan showing the location of where the photographs were taken on the public highway. Please include the site boundary shown as a red line. Multiple drawings may be necessary to show the plan for larger sites
  • Show the full width of the footway or carriageway in photos.
  • Show a maximum of 2 photos per page, preferably landscape.
  • Ensure each photo is numbered according to the key on the site plan and are shown in numerical order.
  • Ensure the condition survey follows a logical route.
  • Ensure the scope of the condition survey goes beyond the site’s immediate boundary where vehicle activity can reasonably be expected. Please consider vehicle routing and loading areas.


  • Show individual kerb stones, gullies or individual defects. If there is a defect, make sure it is clearly shown within one of the photographs and note the damage under the photograph.
  • Include more than two photos on one page.
  • Include photographs on the site plan.
  • State repairs will be carried out by any party other than as agreed by Waltham Forest Highways.
  • Include any photographs of private land (unless a temporary or permanent fixture on the land might have bearing on the condition of the highway).
  • Include photographs that are shaded, unfocused, poorly exposed/lit or where the condition on the public highway is not clear.

Download an example Photographic Condition Survey

What happens if damage occurs during construction?

A developer must notify Waltham Forest Highways if any damage occurs to the highway during construction. In the event that a dangerous defect is created on the live highway, Waltham Forest Highways must be contacted immediately. A Waltham Forest Highways engineer will then attend the site to discuss with the developer any required make safe and reinstatement works. Make safe works will be carried out immediately and recharged to the Developer. All reinstatement works will be carried out by Waltham Forest Highways once payment in full has been received from the developer.