Last updated: 17 January 2024

Next review: 17 January 2025

Current stage: preferred options

This development plan document identifies particular sites in the borough for specific uses such as the provision of new homes, social infrastructure, open spaces etc. These site allocations are intended to assist in delivering the priorities and objectives of the Core Strategy. The sites identified in this document are those located outside the key growth areas of Blackhorse Lane, Northern Olympic Fringe, Walthamstow Town Centre and Wood Street which are covered by Area Action Plans.

The Preferred Options Document was published for consultation during the period 29 July- 30 September 2013. The consultation has now closed. The council is considering the comments made and will publish a Consultation Report in due course.

Call for sites report

The council carried out an informal Call for Sites survey which sought information on sites that should be included in this document. This exercise was carried out during the period June-August 2009. Submissions were made from land owners, planning consultants, public bodies, members of the public and community groups. A number of council-owned sites were considered as well.



Spatial Planning

Postal address only
Waltham Forest Town Hall,
Forest Road,
E17 4SU