Public participation is vital to delivering good planning. We want to ensure that our plans are supported by residents, stakeholders and the community at large.

Find out about our consultations, and how you can have your say. 

Previous Consultations

Have your say: Local Plan Part 2 Site Allocations Preferred Submission Version (Regulation 19 stage) (now closed)

From Monday 8th November 2021 to Friday 31st January 2022, we sought views on a Proposed Submission version of Local Plan Part 2 - Site Allocations (LP2). LP2 identifies sites in the borough with the potential to provide new the housing, jobs, social infrastructure, and other uses that we need. Our public consultation report represents a comprehensive overview of the insights and opinions shared during the consultation period. It also sets out the next steps for taking this part of the Local Plan forward, including how we will continue to engage with you before it is independently examined by the Planning Inspectors appointed by the Secretary of State.

The Plan was available at the following locations to view whilst the consultation took place:

It was also published on  Commonplace online engagement portal

Have your say: Local Plan Part 2 Site Allocations (consultation ends 14 January 2022)

We are now inviting views on the Proposed Submission Local Plan Site Allocations Document (LP2). LP2 identifies areas with the potential to provide new housing and jobs in line with the council's Local Plan.

The consultation period runs from Monday 8 November 2021 to Friday 14 January 2022

LP2 is available at the following locations while the consultation takes place:

View and comment on Commonplace.

Comments must be received by 5pm on Friday 14 January 2022.

LP2 Draft Site Allocations (Reg 18) Consultation Report June 2021 (PDF)

Evidence base

The recommendations for each site were based on a number of different studies, topic papers, reports and evidence bases including:


Consultation: Local Plan Part 2 Issues and Options Consultation (Regulation 18 stage) (now closed)

We ran our Regulation 18 Draft LP2 consultation between September and December 2020.  A schedule of representations made to the Waltham Forest Local Plan (LP2) Site Allocation document was published at the Regulation 18 consultation stage.

You can view the link to the consultation report below:

LP2 - Consultation Report - June 2021 final (PDF)

Consultation: Local Plan Part 1 Strategic Policies (now closed)

A draft version of this document was published for consultation from July to September 2019 for residents, local businesses and other stakeholders to comment on. 

Following this consultation, we published a Consultation Report (PDF) in June 2020.

In October 2020, we produced a revised version of the document, retitled Waltham Forest Local Plan (LP1) - Proposed Submission (PDF).

Consultation on this document closed on 14 December 2020.

Read the Local Plan Part 1 document

Consultation: Local Plan Part 2 - Draft Site Allocations (now closed)  

Read the Local Plan Part 2 document

Draft Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations document (PDF)

Consultation: Local Plan Part 2 - Draft Site Allocations (now closed)

Read the Local Plan Part 2 document

Draft Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations document (PDF)

Leaflets, presentations and newsletters

Frequently Asked Questions

From September to December 2020, we held 13 open public engagement sessions. Here are answers to the most commonly asked questions - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan: FAQs (PDF)

Want to be informed about future consultations?

Register on the council's Local Plan consultation portal 

Sign up for the Local Plan email newsletter.

Glossary of planning terms

To help you read the Local Plan and supporting documents, we have compiled a list of planning terms and acronyms - a glossary of planning terms (PDF).