
Lockwood Way Industrial Estate is accessed from Blackhorse Lane, Walthamstow. It is part of the Blackhorse Lane Area Strategic Industrial Land as defined by the London Plan and the Local Plan. It is situated within the Blackhorse Lane Creative Enterprise Zone.

The Improvements

As part of the programme to improve workspaces in the Blackhorse Lane area, physical improvements have been completed at the Lockwood Way Industrial Estate.

Through engagement with the individual businesses on site, we have carried out a number of physical interventions at the Estate to make it a more attractive place to work and visit.

The improvement works include:

  • the installation of new business frontages
  • signage
  • artwork
  • footpath widening
  • fencing
  • landscaping
  • SUDs
  • lighting
  • events furniture
  • a new gate to Lockwood path to make the Wetlands more accessible

The programme of works supports the Blackhorse Lane Creative Enterprise Zone and the Craft Brewery Training and Jobs Academy programme. Our architects have recently submitted the project as a candidate for a ‘New London Architecture’ award.

The improvements will make the estate a more attractive destination for new businesses who wish to locate there. The inward investment will support local businesses to grow and diversify their offer.

Images of Lockwood Way improvements

Our partners

We Made That architects have designed the improvements in liaison with the business occupiers.

BRAC Contracts Ltd are the contractors appointed to undertake the £700,000 programme of improvement works following a competitive tender process.

Working with BRAC and We Made That architects, we have delivered £700,000 worth of improvements funded by local developer contributions.


  • Works started in November 2021 
  • Works completed in June 2022
  • Event celebrating the completion of works in July 2022

Jimmy Jemal, Waltham Forest Regeneration Project Lead