
On Thursday 11 June 2020 Waltham Forest Council’s Cabinet approved a report which would allow a feasibility study to take place regarding the creation of a Chingford Hub at The Green, Chingford.

The proposed new facilities will improve the services available to local residents and the Chingford community. There will, of course, be public engagement so residents can share their views but at the moment there are no designs to be considered as the feasibility study has not happened.

If approved the Hub will consist of a new library, including multiuse space which is affordable for local residents and community groups, and a café. A double height ceiling which will enable larger assemblies to be held and a stage to be used if required, re-providing the facilities that are currently available in the Assembly Hall. Since the building was completed in 1959 the needs of the community for such space has changed. It is lacking facilities to make the building accessible and is expensive to maintain and operate, especially the cost of heating the building.

The new facilities would be funded via £617,000 from the Library Capital Programme and the rest from a residential development of around 40 homes, including an aspiration of 50 per cent of them to be affordable homes for local people.

From August 2020. feasibility and design work will take place, including public engagement. A report outlining the detailed design of the new Hub will be taken to Cabinet towards the end of 2020.

If Cabinet gives its approval, the proposals will be subject to the usual engagement and planning processes, including statutory consultation on any planning application received. Following Cabinet’s approval, a planning application would be submitted in Spring 2021 If planning approval is given the new Hub is due for completion by autumn 2023. Library facilities would continue to be available in temporary accommodation on site during the building work.

What is planned?

Options that may be considered as part of the feasibility study include:

  • New, fully accessible and modern library
  • Affordable, multi-use assembly space
  • Learning space for Adult Learning Services courses
  • Enhanced facilities for older people
  • Café 
  • An aspiration of around 40 new homes, including a target of 50 per cent of them being affordable homes for local people
  • Energy saving measures to help tackle the climate emergency

If approval is given for the scheme, the library will be accommodated in a temporary building on the site during the works. 

Who will be doing the redevelopment?

It is intended that Sixty Bricks Ltd, the Council’s wholly owned housing company, will undertake the delivery of the project on behalf of the Council.



  • Spring 2021: Planning application submitted, and statutory consultation takes place.
  • Summer/Autumn 2021: If approved work begins on site
  • Summer 2023: If approved new facilities should open


During the feasibility stage, the Council is keeping residents informed through a variety of digital and non-digital ways, including letterbox drops, social media, public events and newsletters. Additionally, there are two focused groups set up with the aim of inputting into the design and development process:

Engagement and User Group: to provide the local community and library users in North Chingford with the opportunity to engage with the development of the vision and design proposals for the Chingford Hub. Engagement and User Group terms of reference (PDF).

Local Members Reference Panel: to provide Ward Members in Chingford Green and Endlebury wards with the opportunity to engage with the development of the vision and design proposals for the Chingford Hub. Local Members Reference Panel terms of reference (PDF).