What we've delivered so far

As of October 2023, we’ve delivered:

  • 331 new homes including:
    • 98 for social rent
    • 47 for shared ownership
    • 37 privately sold directly by the Council
    • 149 sold directly by Countryside
  • Building 1123 sq metres of commercial space including a brand new Co-Op and Post Office
  • The Wood Street Library
  • Marlowe Road Energy Centre and District Heat Network
  • A new public plaza in Wood Street
  • A new children’s play area
  • Landscaping and planting, including trees and a water feature
  • New footpaths
Marlowe Road Regeneration Topping Out model

What's planned

  • In 2022 a revision to the original planning application was approved that increased the size of the final phases breakdown below:
    • 65 for social rent
    • 47 shared ownership
    • 146 sold directly by Countryside
  • In March 2023 the final phase of works started on site and is anticipated to complete in 2026. 
A group of people with high vis and safety equipment on standing in an empty building site

Planning application

A planning application, reference number 200180, was approved by the Planning Committee on Tuesday 31 March 2020.

The application amended the previous planning permission, reference number 151652 of Tuesday 20 September 2016, to allow 12 extra new homes to be provided on the site.

The application included an additional four new affordable homes on the site.

See details of the planning application 

Read the report to Planning Committee from page 139 

What happens and when

Phase 1A of the scheme was “topped out” in June 2018.

The 18 shared ownership properties in Phase 1A were handed over in October 2018 with four being bought by residents from the old Marlowe Road estate and a further nine bought by Waltham Forest residents.

The 34 homes for Council rent in Phase 1A were handed over on Thursday 6 December 2018. 

Of all the homes sold in Phases 1A, 1B and 2Aon the open market, 45 per cent were sold to local people living or working in the borough.

The London Help to Buy scheme is available on this development.

The first residents moved in Autumn 2018, and the project is due to be completed by 2025.

The Marlowe Road Energy Centre will provide cost-effective hot water for heating, bathroom and kitchen taps throughout the estate.

The new Co-op supermarket opened in Summer 2019 and the Post Office in December 2019. Both were paid for as part of the Marlowe Road estate redevelopment.

The new Wood Street Library Plus officially opened on Thursday 13 August 2020.

The first phase of the new homes currently onsite are anticipated to be ready for occupation in Autumn 2024.

Extended working hours

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic the Government introduced regulations that allow developers to work outside working hours specified in planning agreements.

The new working hours will be:

  • Monday to Friday, 7am to 7pm (noisy machinery will not be used before 8am)
  • Saturday 8am to 3pm
  • Sunday, only occasional special work with prior notification given

Noise and disturbance to residents will be kept to a minimum.


Jacqueline Franklin, Project Director, jacqueline.franklin@walthamforest.gov.uk