Last updated: 6 February 2024

Next review: 6 February 2025

Preparing for adulthood is a period of excitement and anticipation for young people. It's the time you make decisions about what you’re going to do in the future. This includes things like education, work, and thinking about where you might live.

This journey begins from the moment we start nursery school. However, you’ll have more support when you reach Year 9 and need to begin to think about your life as an adult.

Most young people go on to live independently without further need for support from us and are able to train, study and find work. Young people with more complex needs who are in education may require ongoing support from the SEND service and health services.  

Young people with SEND can get support with learning up to age 25, to enable them to stay in education, employment, and training. 

You can download our Preparation for Adulthood Guide to find out more

Get in touch


SEND Service

Wood Street Health Centre
6 Linford Road
London E17 3LA