Mission Waltham Forest is our plan for a more equal borough by 2030.
Search results for 'Windrush film screenings'
82 results
Our commitment to making our site as accessible to all and how to report issues.
Information on various SEND conditions, from autism to visual impairments, and where to get support.
Group of people and organisations working together to improve health in Waltham Forest.
Directory page
Local library with various resources for residents and host to Family Hub sessions and holiday clubs
Find out how Walthamstow is being transformed and the projects taking place.
Neighbourhood plans give communities more of a say about their local area. Find out more.
Benefits of working for Waltham Forest Council.
Find out about the plans to protect and intensify industrial use on the Estate Way Local Strategic Industrial Site (LSIS)
Tell us about a move or change in condition, so you pay the right amount of council tax and get the right benefits.
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