Directory of services in Waltham Forest

Each directory is put together to provide information to help residents, businesses, partners, and customers connect with relevant organisations, places, and services.

Jobs and training

Help with finding a job, learning and upskilling and advice for employers.

Adult social care

Find about the care and support Adult Social Care services can help you with.

Regeneration and growth

Investment in transport links, schools, public facilities, and town centres, make Waltham Forest a great place to live, changing all the time.

Parking, roads and travel

Pay and challenge parking fines, and apply or renew permits. Car parks and controlled parking zones. Cycling and walking, and highways and streets in the borough.


Find out how to report a neighbourhood problem, animal welfare, conservation areas and trees, crime and community safety, flooding advice and community grants.


Guidance for council tenants, council leaseholders and those looking for housing. Plus homelessness and building safety information.

Health and wellbeing

Find out about our sexual health services, addiction support, vaccinations and more.

Get involved

Have your say on important matters and play an important role in your local community.


Covid-19 is still here - please take the appropriate actions to protect yourself and others to help stop the spread of Covid-19.

Council tax

Who pays council tax. How and when to pay. Bands and charges. Discounts, exemptions and support available. Manage your council tax online.

Rubbish and recycling

Learn about recycling and bin collection for residents, businesses and other organisations, across the borough.