Driving drugs out of Leyton

Colourful shops on Leyton High Road
Published: 26 March 2024
Filed under: Crime and community safety

Around summertime 2023, the Council noticed a sudden spike in calls reporting anti-social behaviour concentrated around Leyton High Street. This came to a head in September and a public meeting was held with residents, Councillors, the Met Police, John Cryer MP, and other local partners all in attendance. 

The issues raised by residents included a range of behaviours and environmental concerns all linked to an increase in illegal drug use in the Leyton area.

Over the following six months, the Council and Police have been working together to take action against perpetrators, raise awareness of reporting mechanisms for residents, and expand the support that is available for people suffering from drug addiction or homelessness. This has included the following:

  • 6 Premises Closure Orders and one Full Closure Order served to houses associated with drug-related ASB. These have been followed up by 60+ additional enforcement visits
  • Regular walk and talks held with residents
  • Five new CCTV cameras joining Leyton’s network of 50+
  • 72 arrests of key offenders
  • 4 search warrants executed
  • 104 ASB warnings and Community Protection Warnings issued
  • CGL offer regular in-person patrols and outreach to people struggling with drug misuse
  • Local housing providers working with the Council to improve the environment

Other interventions have included offering housing support to a homeless encampment, patrolling officers discovering a stash of car number plates, and funding being secured from the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) to deliver bespoke services for young people.

Since the targeted work to address issues in Leyton began, drug-related reports to the police and Council have reduced by 84% from September 2023 to January 2024 and drug-related theft offences, which spiked last year, have also fallen off significantly.  

If you are experiencing anti-social behaviour (including noise nuisance, large groups behaving badly, and aggressive behaviour) report it to us

If a crime is in progress or someone is in danger, always call 999. To report a non-emergency crime, you can call 111 or report it online to the police.