Green garden roofs for our cycle hubs

A roof garden on a cycle hub
Published: 20 September 2023
Filed under: Climate change

A pioneering initiative involving the Council’s Cycle Hubs has been evolving over the last 10 years and it certainly has a high ceiling when it comes to making our borough greener and more environmentally friendly. 

Hundreds of square meters worth of green space has been created on the roofs of the 11 Cycle Hubs at tube and rail stations dotted across the borough, boosting pollinating species of plants and insects and helping improve biodiversity and air quality in the local area. 

Watch a video about these great new roof gardens

Cllr Clyde Loakes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Climate and Air Quality explains: “In Waltham Forest we’ve always been proud to take the lead when it comes to improving air quality and making positive changes to tackle the threat of the climate crisis. 

“We’ve introduced 11 Cycle Hubs across the borough at a number of stations, 4 this year alone, meaning that more residents than ever have access to safe and convenient storage for their cycles on their daily commute, for less than a £1 a week. 

“But that’s not all - from the outset we incorporated in the design, green roofs to create the more than 460 square meters of green space these Cycle Hubs now accommodate.

“These green spaces will change and adapt with the seasons, supporting local wildlife and biodiversity, as well as helping our ongoing commitment to improve the quality of air our residents breathe. 

“This initiative is just one of the many ways that we are tackling the climate crisis on a local level and secure a better, greener future for residents in our borough.” 

Find out more about the Council’s climate action plan.  

Membership to a Cycle Hub gives you access to all 11 in the borough, which together have almost 800 secure bike parking spaces at local stations.

The hubs offer a straightforward, safe, and cost-effective option to store cycles at a local station for the day. This means that it has never been easier to leave the car at home in favour of healthier and less stressful transport options.

All the hubs are fitted with CCTV cameras for added security and personal safety and tool stations which include air pumps and tools on site in case you need to fix a puncture or make repairs on the go.

Find out more about cycle parking in Waltham Forest.