It's Energy Savings Week

Lower Bills
Published: 19 January 2024
Filed under: Climate change

Help with your energy bills this winter

The Council is celebrating Energy Savings Week (17 to 23 January) by encouraging local people to get help to cut bills, keep warm and lower their carbon footprint over the winter months.  

Every resident in the borough is entitled to a range of support, advice or services depending on their circumstances with our Lower Bills Warmer Homes initiative. You could get handy energy saving tips, free materials to insulate and save energy in your home, or even free home improvements to boost your property’s energy efficiency rating. 

You can find out exactly what you are entitled to online with our Lower Bills Calculator, or ask about it in your local library. It takes just two minutes so make sure you take the time and start saving today.  

Cllr Clyde Loakes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Climate and Air Quality said: "It’s Energy Savings Week and it’s a great opportunity for local people to check what services and advice is available to them through our Lower Bills Warmer Homes programme

“Saving energy in your home is not only great for your wallet, it’s a brilliant way to take positive action in the fight against the climate crisis, as a large proportion of our borough’s carbon emissions come from our homes. 

“Our online Lower Bills Calculator offers tailored advice for all, no matter your circumstances. It takes just two minutes to find the best scheme to apply for and all the information you need is in one handy place. And of course, there are lots of practical ways you can help save energy and cut bills around your home from our partners HEET. 

“January can be a difficult time for many people to manage their finances, particularly as we are in the midst of a cold snap, so please take the time to have a look at how our programme can help you.” 

Energy Saving Week is a national program aimed at assisting individuals in lowering their fuel costs. It is organised by the Energy Saving Trust and Citizens Advice Bureau to raise awareness and provide support for households to become more energy efficient, help manage energy costs and reduce emissions.   

Useful tips to heat your home

The Council partners with The HEET Project, a local not-for-profit organisation that works to help households stay warm and save money.  There are plenty of small, simple steps you can take today - here are some of HEET’s top tips:   

  • Use your microwave more - it’s cheaper than an electric oven 
  • Keep lids on pans when cooking 
  • Only boil the amount of water you need in the kettle  
  • Wash clothes in full loads at 30 degrees where possible 
  • Take short showers – this uses less energy and water  
  • Switch off appliances on the wall when not in use  
  • Try turning the thermostat down and make yourself comfortable with warm clothes 
  • Keep furniture away from the front of radiators 
  • Use thick curtains, preferably lined - close them at sunset to keep the heat in  
  • Turn radiators off and close the door in rooms you do not use often 
  • Turning down the flow temperature on your combi boiler to 60°c or below can save money on your heating bill each year and reduce energy waste from your home.

HEET can help anyone in receipt of benefits or who is aged 60 or over.

Call 020 8520 1900 or
Visit The heet project