Vestry House Museum plans approved

Artist impression of Vestry House Museum
Published: 21 August 2024
Filed under: Arts and culture

Waltham Forest Council is working to revitalise Vestry House Museum, a well loved cultural and heritage site in Walthamstow Village. The Council has appointed a multi disciplinary design team led by architects Studio Weave to work on the project.

The project has now been awarded Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent. 

This means that capital works will go ahead in Autumn 2024 with the museum reopening to the public in early 2026.

Studio Weave’s approach was praised for its sensitivity to the historic fabric of the building, whilst ensuring that the site will be much more physically accessible and environmentally sustainable.

The works will include:

• Refurbishment of the building and museum, including new ramp access to aid accessibility
• Relocation of the public museum to the ground-floor level
• Partial demolition and rebuild of the millennium extension in the garden, and relocation of the cafe to the extension
• Installation of a platform lift which will provide wheelchair access to the first floor
• Formation of a new primary entrance to the museum via the existing historic door, plus new doors from Church Path to access the cafe

Working in consultation with local residents, the revitalisation project will transform the local history museum into a welcoming heritage destination where visitors can find a place to work, rest and discover the diverse stories of Waltham Forest and its people.