Working with the police to drive drugs out of Leyton

A police officer stands in front of a seated crowd of people, talking through some powerpoint slides.
Published: 27 October 2023
Filed under: Crime and community safety

In recent months, residents in Leyton have seen an increase in drug-related crime and anti-social behaviour. We're working in close partnership with the Met Police to address this and drive drugs out of Leyton.

Plans for Leyton 

At a public meeting on Wednesday 18 October, the Police took attendees through their short, medium and long-term plans for Leyton and some of the different covert and overt tactics used to gather information and identify perpetrators. 

As of Monday 23 October they have now carried out 39 arrests for drug-related crimes and the Council is following up interventions with Premises Closure Orders when they related to a specific location. The Council has also now issued 55 warnings for anti-social behaviour and following a review of the 50 CCTV cameras in the E10 area, we will be adding another five redeployable cameras to improve our coverage of hotspot areas by December.

Accessing support

We also heard from Change, Grow, Live that after weeks of low engagement, over the last two weeks, they’ve received 11 self-referrals from the Leyton area meaning those individuals can access long-term support for people struggling with drug and alcohol abuse. A representative from L&Q Housing was also available to speak to people and reaffirm their commitment to working with us to identify problematic premises and protect their law-abiding residents.

Anti-social behaviour 

The Council also funds Parkguard to patrol for anti-social behaviour, working with the police to search for weapons and drugs, and they are prioritising the Leyton area now and patrolling seven days a week. From November onwards we’ve also asked our Community Payback scheme, whereby offenders complete work to improve the local area, to focus on the Leyton area, ensuring reparations are being made where they are most required.

We are working with regeneration colleagues and the Met Police Secure By Design Team to design crime out of new developments (eg Coronation Square and the reformation of Leyton Station) and to ensure spillover benefits for adjacent areas. Money is also available via developer contributions to community infrastructure, and we will explore ways of tapping into this investment to make practical improvements. 

How to report anti-social behaviour

Please continue to report anti-social behaviour to us

Report crimes such as drug dealing, to the police by calling 101 or going online – or calling 999 in an emergency.