Working together to level up Chingford Mount and Highams Park

Councillors and Council officers outside Memorial Park at Chingford Mount. Nicola Murphy, Area Regeneration Project Manager, Ian Rae, Corporate Director Regeneration, Planning & Delivery, Cllr. J. Moss, Cllr. T. Bell, Cllr. R. Dore, Cllr. E Baptiste, Cllr. C. Saumarez, Cllr. A. Khan, Fay Cannings, Town Centre Lead (North), Silvia Amoros, Deputy Head Area Regeneration (North), Will Teasdale, Director Area Regeneration Delivery.
Published: 24 May 2023
Filed under: Regeneration and Housing

Last week, Cllr Ahsan Khan, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration, came together with Ward Councillors and Council officers to see how Waltham Forest will spend £8.4m of Levelling Up Funding over the next two years in Chingford and Highams Park.

The walkaround was the start of Waltham Forest Council’s joint working group with Ward Councillors to oversee the many improvements taking place in the area.

(Pictured above from left to right: Nicola Murphy, Area Regeneration Project Manager, Ian Rae, Corporate Director Regeneration, Planning & Delivery, Cllr. J. Moss, Cllr. T. Bell, Cllr. R. Dore, Cllr. E Baptiste, Cllr. C. Saumarez, Cllr. A. Khan, Fay Cannings, Town Centre Lead (North), Silvia Amoros, Deputy Head Area Regeneration (North), Will Teasdale, Director Area Regeneration Delivery.)

Councillors visit Highams Park to view Signal Walk. Councillors and officers are walking across a zebra crossing in Highams Park

The money will go towards projects to improve neighbourhoods, town centres and parks. On top of this, Waltham Forest will provide £1.9m, bringing the overall investment package to £10.3m. The funds will enhance high streets and town centres, encouraging more footfall that will support businesses and boost the local economy.

Cllr Ahsan Khan, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration, said: “The success of Waltham Forest’s Levelling Up Funding bid in Chingford Mount and Highams Park builds upon years of engagement and relationships we’ve established with the local community. The voices of residents are at the heart of everything we do through our new neighbourhood-focused approach, and we’ll be asking residents for their views very soon. When I’ve been speaking to locals recently, all they want to see is us councillors getting the work done. I’m looking forward to collaborating with Ward Councillors from every party to deliver the improvements residents want to see in their neighbourhood.”

Watch out for more information on the Levelling Up Fund for Chingford Mount and Highams Park and how you can have your say.