World Electric Vehicle Day

Cargo bike with a dog sitting in the front section
Published: 31 August 2023
Filed under: Communications

World Electric Vehicle Day is celebrated across the globe on 9 September. It highlights all forms of e-mobility, and the ways electric vehicles can benefit us and our environment.

Waltham Forest is an electric place to live - literally! Maybe you've switched to an electric car, have made use of an e-cargo bike to transport you and your four-legged friend, or have received a delivery from a zero-emissions service. We're making it easier for anyone in the borough to make use of e-mobility options.

In the borough we have:

  • Hundreds of charging points for electric vehicles. There are currently 575 public electric vehicle charging points in Waltham Forest, and we are on track to install our 1,000th by April 2024. Our aim is to have 2,500 public charging points by May 2026.
  • A form so anyone can request a public electric vehicle charging point in their area - it's quick and simple to fill out
  • ZED Waltham Forest – The borough's zero emission delivery service use e-cargo bikes to carry out their operations, making deliveries for Council services, local businesses, and national retailers like Zara
  • Community cargo bike scheme – the Council have a fleet of standard and cargo bikes, including e-cargo bikes, that anybody who lives, works or studies in Waltham Forest can loan in exchange for a refundable deposit. It's a great way to try out a cycle for a short period of time - whether it's for a specific trip or to see whether it's the right thing for you longer term. 
  • Electrifying car clubs: we are working with car club operators and charging point operators to electrify as many vehicles in the car club fleet in Waltham Forest as possible. Car clubs are a great way to have easy access to a vehicle exactly when you need one, whether it's for a couple of hours or over a few days.