Last updated: 15 February 2024

Next review: 15 February 2025

The school/setting asks for reports from any professionals working with the child/young person. The parent/carer and the child/young person (if possible) will be asked for their views. Certain actions include:

  • Check that the school/setting has asked for updated reports from anyone involved in your child’s care (for example Speech & Language therapist, Occupational therapist, Educational Psychologist, or Paediatrician)
  • Note any changes you’d like to make to the EHC plan so these can be addressed at the meeting
  • Complete any paperwork sent by the school/setting. If your child can, they should also share their views. These can be written or drawn
  • Contact your child’s school/setting or SENDIASS if you need help understanding the paperwork
  • Tell the school if there are any professionals working with your child you feel should be at the meeting

The school will send an invitation, along with any reports they receive, two weeks before the review. After the meeting, there’ll be a further report detailing the child’s progress toward outcomes and views/recommendations about proposed changes. This will be sent to the local authority and everyone else who attended the meeting.