Last updated: 12 February 2024

Next review: 12 February 2025

The Annual Review: 

  • is a chance to celebrate your child’s progress and achievements over the past year
  • It gives you, your child, and the professionals working with them to share views, wishes, and feelings about the EHC plan
  • must look at all the sections in the EHC and update them where needed
  • will check your child's progress against their agreed outcomes, and update the outcomes, if needed
  • for young people in Year 9, the review will focus on preparation for adulthood. This includes work/higher education, independent living skills, community involvement and staying healthy.
  • set new steps to achieve outcomes and the provision needed
  • will consider how appropriate the school/college is for the child/young person
  • will decide whether a plan should be updated, remain unchanged or ceased
  • mustn’t just focus on how things have gone in the past year in school/college

What happens after the review

Four weeks after the annual review, we will decide whether to:

  • Keep the EHCP unchanged
  • Amend the EHCP
  • End the EHCP

The SEND Officer will then send a ‘notice of decision’ to update the parent/carer/child.