Last updated: 29 August 2023

Next review: 29 August 2024

Parents’ right to educate their child at home applies equally where a child has SEN. This right is irrespective of whether the child has an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) and is home educated, it remains the local authority’s duty to ensure that you are educating your child so that their needs are met.

You will need to ensure that you are providing the support that is outlined in the EHCP. The EHCP is a legal document and it will be reviewed by the local authority annually.

If your child has an Education, Health Care Plan and attends a special school their name cannot be removed from the roll without the agreement of the LA as the LA has a duty to maintain the plan and to review annually. If your child is a pupil at a special school, we will need to consider whether your education provision is suitable before amending the EHCP to name Elective Home Education.