Last updated: 29 August 2023

Next review: 29 August 2024

If your child is already at school, we advise you to write to the school to inform them of your decision to home educate and ask for the child's name be taken off the school roll. The school will inform us that you are going to be responsible for educating your child.

When we are informed that you plan to educate your child at home, we will contact you to offer an initial visit to provide advice and guidance which may be helpful to you when planning to home educate.

During this visit we would talk about how you plan to provide a suitable education, and ways you can keep evidence that you are doing this. We will also put you in touch with helpful organisations and websites that offer useful support for home educators.

If you do not require a visit you do not need to agree to one, we will not impose where parents choose not to engage with us. Our elective home education policy sets out strictly limited situations where there are strong indications the child may not be receiving a suitable education where we would expect a meeting to be arranged.

We will complete an annual review of the education plan in place for your child’s education.

You can use the template of home education plan form as a guide to help provide information about your child's education.

If your child has never been registered at school, we encourage you to tell us so we can keep you up to date with information and events you may be interested in:

Call 020 8496 1718 or
