Last updated: 11 April 2024

Next review: 11 April 2025

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Our Community Living Rooms Network is also available.

25 results

GB Carnival

Carnival Arts to bring people together and create joy

Two Generations

The Homeshare programme bringing together older people looking for companionship, with a friendly young person

Black Education CIC

A media platform sharing information through editorial articles, educational resources and directories.

Royal British Legion

Helping members of the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, veterans and their families.

Leyton Food Bank

Foodbank helping the local community by looking after those who are struggling and vulnerable.

Boxing Futures

Non-contact boxing to improve physical and mental wellbeing of young people

Chingford Library Directory

Local library with various resources for residents. Visit any Waltham Forest library to receive guidance in accessing council services online.