What type of support is available?
Last updated: 9 December 2024
Next review: 9 December 2025
We may be able to help you if you need assistance with:
- getting out of bed;
- washing and dressing;
- cooking and eating meals;
- getting to work;
- caring for family members;
- seeing friends and being part of the community; and
- emotional support.
If you live in supported housing you could also receive support and help with:
- accessing services;
- debt and budgeting;
- how to find a suitable home;
- how to maintain a home;
- cooking skills;
- volunteering;
- finding work;
- claiming benefits;
- mental health issues;
- drug and alcohol issues; and
- problems with offending.
The care and support we can provide to you will be personalised to help your individual needs. The care and support can be long or short term.