Last updated: 15 April 2024

Next review: 15 April 2025


Bullying is a deliberately hurtful act, which is repeated often, over a period of time.  It might be helpful to remember the STOP acronym:

  • Several
  • Times
  • On
  • Purpose

What you can do

If you are concerned, ask your child directly about it.

If you still have concerns talk to your child’s key person (ages 0 to 5 years old), class teacher or form tutor (11 to 16 years old), form tutor, teacher, or lecturer (16 to 25 years old). The charity Contact has published a useful list of things you can ask the school to do.

If your child is having difficulties at school

If you need further advice and support, Waltham Forest SENDIASS can offer free, dedicated, confidential, and impartial advice and support about special educational needs and disabilities.  

If your child finds it hard to make friends

If your child is struggling with building friendships, find an activity they enjoy where they can meet other children/young people.  There are groups set up for specific disabilities and others for specific sports etc.