Healthy living

Having a healthy lifestyle, means eating a balanced diet, exercising often, and seeing your doctor for a health check now and again. This will improve both your physical health and your mental wellbeing.

Healthy living now can stop you developing serious illnesses in the future, such as diabetes and heart disease. It’s also important to maintain a healthy weight

Looking after your mental health

Mental wellbeing describes how you feel and how well you can cope with daily life. Good mental wellbeing will help protect you from developing mental ill health.

Be a mental health champion: join our Time to Change hub

We’re looking for people who’ve had mental health issues to become Time to Change champions. You can use your experience to change how people think and act about mental health and make a real difference.

Find out more

Small Talk Saves Lives

Suicide is preventable. A short conversation with someone who’s struggling to cope can help save a life.

The Small Talk Saves Lives campaign aims to reduce suicide on the railways. It asks people to trust their instinct and act if they see someone who needs help.

This short video tells the true story of a person whose life was saved when someone took the time to talk to them.

If you or someone you know is feeling low, call Samaritans for free on 116 123.

Information and advice

NHS Choices has guidance on mental health and wellbeing. This includes information on stress, anxiety and depression an tips to improve your mental health and wellbeing.

See our Mental Wellbeing Strategy 2018-21.


NHS Choices service finder can help you find the right support for you.  

Smoking, alcohol, and drugs

Smoking, alcohol, and drugs can put your health at risk regardless of how often you take them.

You’re up to four times more likely to quit smoking with support. Contact our Stop Smoking Service.

If you have an alcohol or drugs misuse problem we can also help you.