Last updated: 21 May 2024

Next review: 21 May 2025

If you’re making the request yourself, you can either:

  • Complete the local authority’s form
  • Complete a template letter- we provide some examples on the application form.
  • Write your own request without using a template
  • Ask the school to refer your child for an assessment. Speak to them first about your concerns, as they may be prepared to apply for you.

Download the EHC needs assessment form and guide

Read the applying for an EHC assessment guidance

If your child has complex or long-term needs, the school may ask us to assess them. Before this happens, they’ll ask to meet you to discuss:

  • the support your child gets now, and what support they’ll need in future
  • your child’s progress
  • help available through the Local Offer
  • whether your child needs a referral for an assessment for an EHC plan

If you wish your child to be assessed, ask the school, or contact us: 020 8496 6503/6504/6505.

Once we receive your written referral request, it takes our team 20 weeks to develop a plan.