Last updated: 23 May 2024

Next review: 23 May 2025

The learning disability register

Children and Young People with disabilities can ask for their names to be added to the learning disability register. This register is held by their GP practice. This means that they will be entitled to a free annual health check from the age of 14 years old.  After a health check the GP will write a health action plan with the young person to agree how their health needs can be met.

GPs use the learning disability register to help them identify who might be most vulnerable to diseases or other health needs, so they can give help more quickly.

Those entitled to be added to the Learning Disability Register

Young people are entitled to register if they have a disability. This is different from having a learning difficulty that may impact a young person’s life in only one area. There are indicators that a young person may have a disability:

  • The young person has delayed language skills
  • The young person has difficulty making decisions for themselves about their outcomes
  • The young person needs support in multiple areas of daily living. This could include study skills, self-care, socialisation, hobbies, and leisure
  • The young person is not sitting accredited exams
  • The young person cannot travel independently without significant preparation and support before, during, or after each journey
  • The young person cannot read a book or part of a newspaper, and understand and apply the information

If the young person has had an assessment that indicates they have a learning disability E.g. an IQ assessment from a psychologist, then they can be registered with their GP as a person with a learning disability

How to get on the register

If you are a parent of a child who sees a Consultant Paediatrician you can ask them to write to your GP, so your child’s name can be added to the register.

If you are a person with an Education Health and Care Plan you can raise this at your next annual review, so it can be discussed.

If the professionals at the annual review agree that you have a learning disability, and would benefit from health checks, your school or college SENCO can contact the health team at  and ask them to let the GP know.

If you have any questions or would like to be considered for the register, you can email:

You can also ask your GP to check if you are on their register

What is a health check

Your GP will ask you to come every year. They will talk to you about your health and what medicines you take. They might examine you if you say that’s ok. 

To understand more about annual health checks you can view our annual health checks presentation (Powerpoint) about annual health checks

You can read the easy read about Health Checks, or watch the video made by Bristol, North Somerset and Gloucester to find out more.