Changes to local parking arrangements proposed

WF Town Hall
Published: 10 September 2024
Filed under: Council and elections

Residents and businesses will be asked for their views on Waltham Forest Council’s proposal to update its pay-to-park arrangements.

The proposals will bring the Council more in line with the neighbouring borough’s operational parking hours, days and charges, while also supporting and encouraging more active and sustainable travel options in the borough - reducing congestion and harmful emissions.

The borough is a pioneer in active travel and is this year celebrating the ten-year anniversary of the Enjoy Waltham Forest programme, which has seen amongst other interventions some 50+ km of separate cycle tracks rolled out, improved pedestrian road crossings installed and pavements widened across the borough. Any additional income generated from the proposed changes will be invested in highway improvements and essential road repairs, ensuring we can maintain a good road network for all.

Currently, most parking bays in Waltham Forest charge between the hours of 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm, with an hour of free parking between 1pm to 2pm, Monday to Friday only. The proposals would see these hours changed so charges are in effect between 8am to 6.30pm Monday to Sunday, which would bring Waltham Forest more in line with our neighbours and the rest of London. The proposed changes will also see the offer of 15 minutes free parking in any pay-to-park bay removed.

At a meeting of Cabinet on Tuesday 10 September 2024, proposals to open a consultation were agreed so that residents and businesses would have the opportunity to share their views before any final decisions are made.

Cllr Clyde Loakes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Air Quality and Climate, said: “Our current pay-to-park model is not only significantly out of kilter with what our neighbouring boroughs offer, but also inadvertently promotes short distance car journeys, that for most can be easily walked, cycled and wheeled. The proposed changes will bring us more in line with our neighbouring boroughs and the majority of London, further support our efforts to improve air quality and encourage more active travel. As we know from TfL research, shoppers arriving by foot, bike, bus or other active and sustainable transport modes to local shops and town centres spend more money than those arriving by car.

We’ve been incredibly successful in promoting active travel and reducing the number of journeys made by motorised vehicles. However, if we are to continue to be a pioneer and show leadership on this important agenda then we must continue to better coordinate our wider policies.

Waltham Forest, like the majority of councils across the country, is facing significant financial challenges. Any additional funding generated from the proposed changes will help pay for road repairs and continue our investment in the transformation of our highways network.”

Residents and businesses will be invited to complete a consultation survey on the proposals following the Cabinet’s decision to take them forward at their meeting on Tuesday 10 September 2024. We will publish the consultation information on our website, social media channels, and weekly Residents’ News e-newsletters so that people are aware it is running and know how they can have their say.