Helping you stick to your New Year's resolutions - part one

an aerial view of a desk with stationery, notebooks, pens, envelopes and an open notebook with "New Year Resolution" handwritten on. The image has an overlay of sparkles.
Published: 29 December 2023
Filed under: Communications

With just a couple of days to the New Year, we know some of our residents will be working on their New Year resolutions.  

To give you some inspiration and help you stick to your pledges, we have rounded up some of the resources and tools that can help you make 2024 your year. 

Doing more for the environment

close up of a bee on a purple flower on a leafy background

Climate change is happening in Waltham Forest and across the world. We are committed to reaching net zero by 2030, and through our Climate Action Plan we're offering residents, businesses, employers and community groups the tools and the support they need to help us tackle the Climate Emergency together. Here are some things you can do to help:  

Focusing on your health and wellbeing

long shot of one of the lakes in Walthamstow Wetlands with trees all around featuring a man crouching and contemplating nature

Maybe your resolution is to drink less alcohol, or maybe it’s to practice mindfulness to reduce stress levels, or maybe it’s to finally quit smoking. Whatever the resolution, we are happy to help. 

Being more active

Two women dressed in comfortable clothes walking along one of the paths at Walthamstow Wetlands as they chat

Physical activities such as walking, jogging, cycling, exercising, or playing sports, done at any intensity and level, are not only great for your health but are known to be a great way to boost your mood and make you feel good. 

Learning something new

a group of adults and children wearing hi-vis vests cycling on a cycle path in a single file

Learning new things not only keeps our minds active, but it can boost your moods, improving your confidence while reducing depression and anxiety. There is no better time than now to learn that language or that new skill you have always wanted to. 

This was just a taster of some of the support and resources available if you're looking for inspiration for your New Year's resolutions.