Last updated: 11 April 2024

Next review: 11 April 2025

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Our Community Living Rooms Network is also available.

119 results

The Skills Within

A Community Interest Company that enable individuals to gain new skills or utilise their existing skills to benefit the community. Also offers free volunteer led IT training for people who are living with a mental health condition, tailored to individual needs.

D&M Supported Living

A support service to individuals who may need help with day-to-day activities and help to reach their personal goals.

You and Me Counselling

A counselling and psychotherapy service that works with children, young people, adults and their families.

Nightingale Care Services

Person-centred approach to care for your loved ones, whether this is in their home or in Nightingale's residential homes.


Chair based exercise, refreshments and entertainment for the over 50s.

Boxing Futures

Non-contact boxing to improve physical and mental wellbeing of young people


A physical activity on referral programme that supports residents in becoming more active.

Leytonstone Library Directory

Local library with a variety of activities available. Visit any Waltham Forest library to receive guidance in accessing council services online. Digital Champions offer drop-in support for devices and internet use.