Last updated: 12 February 2024

Next review: 12 February 2025

This service is made up of three teams. Together, they provide continuity of care for children and young people with additional or specialist health needs up to age 19.

Child Development Nursing Team

The team of Nurses, Health Care Support workers, and Nursery Nurses are based at Wood Street Health Centre. They support the multi-disciplinary assessment, diagnostic and continual management of children and young people who may have disability or developmental problems. The nursing team also includes a Nursery Nurse.

Get in touch


Child Development Nursing Team

Wood Street Health Centre
6 Linford Road, 
London E17 3LA

Special School Nursing Team

The team of Nurses and Healthcare support workers help children and young people who attend local special schools. The team is available to carry out nursing reviews/multidisciplinary reviews/complete care plans /provide on-site interventions (for example wound reviews) and give advice to school staff.

You can contact the nursing team by ringing the school directly or through the Wood Street Health Centre Nursing number.

  • Lime Academy Hornbeam: Brookfield House campus 0208 527 2464
  • Whitefield School 0208 531 3426.

Get in touch


Special School Nursing Team

Wood Street Health Centre
6 Linford Road
E17 3LA

Children's Community Nursing Team

The Team of Nurses and Healthcare support workers are based at Wood Street Health Centre. It supports children and young people whose care can be provided in the community setting.

The team sees those who require short term care (for a wound, or intravenous antibiotics for example). It also supports those who require longer term care if they are being treated for cancer or various conditions where nursing support is required. Children are referred to this team by their GPs or specialist hospital. This team includes:

Asthma Nurse Specialist

Children and young people with asthma may also be referred to the Asthma Nurse Specialist. This is done jointly with GPs and Hospital Specialists. See: Asthma UK.

Epilepsy nurse Specialist

Children and young people familiar to the Epilepsy Service may also be seen by the Epilepsy nurse Specialist based in the Children's Community Nursing Team. Care may continue through adulthood with a transition to adult services

Useful resources are Epilepsy Action UK: and Young Epilepsy.

Continuing Care Nurse

There are a small number of children and young people whose needs are so specialist they cannot be met by local resources. They may be cared for through NHS Continuing Health Care. The assessment of need is carried out by the Continuing Care nurse who is based in the community nursing team. Afterward, the nurse will work jointly with the local commissioning team. The referral is through the Community Children’s nursing team. Find out more about NHS continuing healthcare.

Get in touch


Children's Community Nursing Team

Wood Street Health Centre
6 Linford Road
E17 3LA