Last updated: 15 November 2023

Next review: 15 November 2024

This is a time of uncertainty and the need for change is set against a number of interconnected challenges. Whilst we face many complex issues, we have an opportunity to build on our successes and work in new and creative ways to ensure everyone in Waltham Forest gets the right support when they need it.

'A Fair and Healthier Waltham Forest' Institute of Health Equity Report (PDF) shows how important the conditions in which people live are to health and wellbeing, and how health can be unfairly affected by identity, background, and postcode. Access to decent housing, good quality jobs, and being able to make ends meet all have a significant impact on the likelihood of living a healthy life.

Learning and education are a route to progress and unlock opportunities. However, there are disparities in attainment and experiences, often pre-determined from a very young age. Throughout life, everyone should have access to the excellent educational and learning opportunities they need to thrive.

There are some in Waltham Forest who face persistent injustice and inequalities and continue to blight lives, limiting the opportunities people need to realise their potential and enjoy a good quality of life. 

Abuse, neglect, and harm take different forms and have devastating consequences. To protect everyone’s right to live in safety, people should know the signs of harm and abuse, and how to speak out. No one should assume someone else will act, safeguarding needs to be everyone’s business.

The cost of living crisis is forcing many residents to make desperate choices and hitting the vulnerable the hardest. Council and partner finances are stretched, exacerbated by the increased need for services, the number of people with complex needs growing, and workforce planning pressures. We need a collective response that protects and supports residents.

Accessible support is not always local to where people live, or available at times that work for them. Our 15-Minute Neighbourhoods programme can help the Council and partners to act more locally and meet people’s needs earlier, developing the capacity in communities to come together and make positive changes.