Last updated: 15 November 2023

Next review: 15 November 2024

We will use this strategy to shape the way we measure our impact, using data and insight to effectively track progress across our work so we know we are making a difference and where we need to improve.

We will make better use of data to measure how we are achieving against our priorities and demonstrate the impact we are having, including at critical stages of the Life Course where we know the biggest differences can be made.

We will use engagement and participation to understand the problems we are trying to solve. By listening and understanding we will cocreate services and support that reflect the lives of local people and communities.

We will make sure we are using insight to track our progress on tackling inequality, for geographic areas and for people with characteristics or experiences in common. We are prepared to have difficult conversations to create meaningful solutions together.

We will regularly publish the information we use to develop our actions and monitor progress against our ambitions. We will feedback and act openly so people know where we are making a difference, and share our learning with those around us.

Looking ahead

This strategy will be delivered through our actions and in collaboration with local people, families, communities, and our partners. We all have a role to play.

The strategy is a first step and builds on the support we and others in Waltham Forest provide. Delivery plans will turn our vision into reality and help us make the greatest impact. We will seize opportunities to ensure everyone in Waltham Forest is safe, well, resilient, independent, and connected.

We will review this strategy at regular intervals and assess progress to make sure it remains right for Waltham Forest and as we learn more from people and families, the support they need, and the challenges they face.