Last updated: 15 November 2023

Next review: 15 November 2024

People at the Heart of Our Place sets out a vision for providing support to people and families in Waltham Forest, at the right time, in the right place, and in ways that work for them.

We want everyone in Waltham Forest to receive high-quality services and support that is personalised and available at the right time, more locally, and in ways that work for them.

Support will be led by people and families, giving them more choices, using a strengths-based approach focused on what they can do, and building capacity and resilience so people can help themselves and each other in their communities.

We have identified six principles that will guide our approach and use to put this strategy into practice. 

A fairer and more equal future

We will tackle the root causes of inequality, including ensuring people and communities can access support and services, addressing drivers of inequality, and meeting these needs through a workforce that represents the borough’s communities. We will celebrate the rich and wonderful diversity of people, cultures, and communities.

Support that is accessible

We will improve access to support at every stage of life. This includes having more support that is local and within easy reach of home, communities working together to support each other, and improving access to support and services that people have to travel to and reach in different parts of the borough. It is also about ensuring people know what support and services are available to them and have access to the right information.

Every conversation counts

We will have conversations that build relationships and identify people’s strengths and needs in the context of their family, community, circumstances, and experiences. Providing the best support for people and families means we need to know and understand them and have the right conversation at the right time. We need to make sure that every conversation counts, using the contacts we have every day to encourage and support people and families.

The right help at the right time

We will support people and families through the right action as soon as problems start or where it is likely they will emerge in the future. Early support, ensuring the right action at the right time, and prevention are everybody’s responsibility and everyone has a part to play in promoting the well-being of people and families who may have or develop care and support needs.

Building quality relationships

We will build on people’s unique strengths and do ‘with’ not ‘to’. Building quality relationships is at the heart of what we do, working with people, families, communities, and partners to improve support and achieve the outcomes they, and others, value in their lives. We will help people to help themselves and each other thereby developing skills and building resilience and relationships.

Considering the whole family

We will work with people and families in a joined-up way, drawing on family strengths, identifying opportunities together, and supporting family members to help each other. This is family in the widest sense, including carers, siblings, friends, neighbours, and communities. We consider the impact of family dynamics and circumstances, and local networks, on people and families.