Last updated: 15 November 2023

Next review: 15 November 2024

Our commitment to putting people and families at the heart of everything we do will shape how we deliver on our ambitions for people and families and how we will collaborate and work together. 

A Life Course approach

Taking into account all of the factors over the course of a person’s life that can influence health and well-being and where the largest difference can be made. This approach promotes equity across communities and helps with tackling inequality.

Keeping people safe

Being proactive and focused, taking decisive action and making difficult decisions to protect people and families, reduce risks of harm and keep them safe, and taking all reasonable steps to effectively meet needs. Ensuring timely, efficient, and effective safeguarding is a responsibility everyone shares.


Building people’s strengths, skills, experience, and capacity, and investing in supporting people with resources, networks, and skills they need to help themselves and each other. Everyone has strengths and everybody has something they can offer the community.

Evidence-based and needs-led

Using data, insight, and evidence to provide a better understanding of current and future needs, to shape our work and services and support for the greatest impact, to promote best practices in everything we do, improve outcomes, and drive efficiencies.

Engagement, collaboration, and co-creation

Strengthening and improving collaboration and building on each other’s unique strengths, including our partners and communities. Creating more opportunities for engagement and participation, and helping communities to identify their strengths, skills, and capacities to make change.

Innovation and creativity

Testing approaches and new ways of doing things, finding creative solutions to problems and dealing with challenges, and taking opportunities to pioneer ways of working.