Last updated: 24 November 2023

Next review: 1 August 2024

Medicals for an EHC needs assessment

As part of an education health and care needs assessment, your child has a right to a medical appointment to make sure that there are no unidentified health needs that are contributing to their special educational needs and disabilities.

To help the medical team understand your child’s health and any medical needs better, you may be asked to fill in a health questionnaire. The health questionnaire helps the team gather information about your child’s needs, and identify if there are any other health professionals who can provide reports or advice to contribute to your child education health and care plan assessment. 

 If your child is under a paediatrician as part of a specialist pathway, any medical reports from these assessments can be used and no further medical is needed

The medical assessment is an important part of your child’s EHC assessment. As a result of the information in the questionnaire, you may be offered an appointment for your child to have a medical assessment to contribute to the education health and care plan.   It is very important you attend, to avoid delays in the writing of your child’s Education Health and Care Plan.

How to prepare for the medical

You will be invited to see a Paediatrician at the Child Development Centre at Wood Street Health Centre. You will need to attend with your child and bring as much information as you can about your child’s medical needs. You may find it useful to have your red book with you, or to bring copies of medical letters or reports for the doctor to see.

If your child is over 16 years, you may be invited to make a GP appointment instead of attending the child development centre.

At the appointment you will need to tell the doctor about:

  • Any medical needs your child may have or any medical problems e.g. sleeping, behaviour, eating, toileting, skin problems or worries about their growth
  • Any medications your child is taking for their needs
  • Any hospitals your child attends
  • Your child’s development
  • Any family history of medical needs or special educational needs

Why does my child need a medical?

The doctor may be checking for any medical needs that may be contributing to your child’s specialist educational needs. This might be social communication difficulties that need further assessment, or underlying medical conditions such as epilepsy. As a result of the assessment, the doctor may make referrals or request further medical investigations (medical tests).  At the end of the appointment the doctor will write a plan with you about what other referrals are needed for your child, and what services your child might need.

What will happen at the appointment?

The appointment will take about one hour.  The doctor will speak with you and your child. During the assessment you have the opportunity to discuss any health concerns you may have with the doctor.  Your child will have their height and weight measured.  A doctor is likely to examine your child, including the chest and abdomen. You can prepare your child by reading the EHC medical social story with them about what to expect during the medical.

You may want to discuss any problems at home or school which may be affecting your child’s health.  You can bring an adult (family member or a friend) to supervise your child in the waiting room, if you would like to talk to the doctor without your child being present.  

The information from this appointment will be used to inform the health aspects of your child’s Education, Health and Care plan. 

What will happen next?

You will receive a report, which will be copied to your Special Educational Needs Officer in the Local Authority. The Local Authority Officer will use the information in a report to inform the Special Needs Panel about whether an EHC plan is needed for your child, and the types of health outcomes and provision that your child may need.

Useful contacts

Special Educational and Disabilities Advisory Services

Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service. Waltham Forest SENDIASS provides information, advice and advocacy support for children, young people, and parents/carers that empowers them to express their views and wishes.

Waltham Forest Parent Forum

Waltham Forest Parent Forum is a friendly, formal voluntary group of parents and carers of disabled children and young people aged from 0 to 25 in the London Borough of Waltham Forest.

NHS websites about medical topics is one of the most trusted medical resources online, supplying evidence based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals.

NHS Conditions website

NHS conditions is a helpful NHS website explaining different conditions and treatments.

EHC medicals contact details

Contact details


Special Educational Needs, Community Paediatrics, Wood Street Health Centre

Special Educational Needs, Community Paediatrics, Wood Street Health Centre, 6 Linford Road, Walthamstow E17 3LA

Opening times