Last updated: 26 September 2024

Next review: 26 September 2025

Local Plan Part 1 Submission and Examination from April 2021 to February 2024 (adopted 29 February 2024) 


The Council adopted the new Local Plan Part 1 (LP1) on 29 February 2024.

The Local Plan Part 1 (LP1) incorporates all the ‘main modifications’ and policy map changes recommended by the Planning Inspectors as necessary to make the Plan sound and/or legally compliant (see below), as well as ‘additional modifications’ that have been made by the Council to realise technical, factual, grammatical and typographical corrections that do not materially affect the policies in the Plan.

Any person aggrieved by the adoption of the Local Plan Any person aggrieved by the adoption of the Local Plan may make an application to the High Court under Section 113 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended).  Any challenge must be made on the grounds that:

a. The document is not within the appropriate power; and/or

b. A procedural requirement has not been complied with.

Any such application must be made promptly, and in any event, no later than the end of the period of six weeks after the date of this notice. The six-week period commences on 29 February 2024 and concludes on 11 April 2024.

Any queries relating to the Local Plan should be made to


Before the Council can adopt the Local Plan, it goes through several stages of public consultation. It is also checked to make sure it complies with government policies and regulations. We then submit it to the Secretary of State for independent Examination in Public by the Planning Inspectorate.  

The Waltham Forest Local Plan (Part 1) was submitted to the Secretary of State in April 2021. Examination in Public began with the appointment of the Planning Inspectors, and receipt of their Preliminary Matters in June 2021. Hearing Sessions were held in March 2022 and March 2023. Receipt of the Inspectors' Final Report on 8 January 2024 marked the end of Examination in Public. 

Local Plan Examination Survey 

The Planning Inspectorate would like your feedback about the examination.  If you were involved in the examination because you made comments in writing and/or you took part in a hearing session, then we would be very pleased if you could fill in this short survey. Any comments you make will be confidential.‘ 

Further updates about the progress towards adopting the Local Plan will be posted on this webpage. 

Local Plan Part 1 Towards Adoption

Following the Main Modifications Consultation in September 2023, the Council have now received the Inspectors’ Local Plan Examination Report. 

As requested by the Council, discussed throughout the examination process and consulted on between July and September 2023, the Inspectors’ report recommends a number of “main modifications” to the Waltham Forest Local Plan (LP1) 2020 – 2035. 

The report concludes that, with those Main Modifications incorporated, Waltham Forest Local Plan Part 1 provides an appropriate basis for the planning of the borough, and that it is sound and legally compliant. It also concludes that, subject to those modifications, “the Plan will be viable having regard to policy requirements and the arrangements for Plan monitoring and delivery are robust”. 

The Inspectors' final report and appendix can be found below: 

Waltham Forest LP Final Report – Inspectors Changes 8 January 2024 (PDF)
Appendix: Schedule of Main Modifications (PDF) 

The council has written the attached guide to understand the Inspectors’ report, which you may find useful.

Understanding the Local Plan and Inspectors Report (PDF) 

Arrangements are now being made for the Cabinet and Full Council to consider the adoption of the new Local Plan in light of the Inspectors’ report. 

Local Plan Part 1 Main Modifications Consultation

Consultation on the main modifications finished on Thursday 21 September 2023.

The Council received the following representations on the main modifications.  These have now been sent to the Inspectors for their consideration as they draft the Local Plan Examination Report.

MMC01 – The SoCo (PDF)

MMC02 – Waltham Forest Civic Society (PDF)

MMC03 – McCarthy and Stone (PDF)

MMC04 – Conservative Councillors Group (PDF)

MMC05 – David and Geraldine Kendall (PDF)

MMC06 – Julian Cheyne (PDF)

MMC07 – Environment Agency (PDF)

MMC08 – Mike Sparrow (PDF)

MMC09 – Prologis c/o Lichfields (PDF)

MMC10 – Drysdale and District Residents Association (DADRA)  (PDF)

MMC11 – London Hotel Group (PDF)

MMC12 – BlackRock and NEAT Developments (PDF)

MMC13 – Waltham Forest Civic Society (Part 2) (PDF)

MMC14 – Richard Snape (PDF)

MMC15 – Ruth Lovell (PDF)

MMC16 – Claire Lovell (PDF)

MMC17 – Carolyn Lovell (PDF)

MMC18 – Stonecrest Marble (PDF)

MMC19 – Tushar Kelkar (PDF)

MMC20 – Juliet Guiness (PDF)

MMC21 – Derek Cockerill (PDF)

MMC22 – Mayor of London (PDF)

MMC23 – TTL Properties Limited (PDF)

MMC24 – Nigel Reynolds (PDF)

MMC25 – Nigel Mear (PDF)

MMC26 – Janet McPartland (PDF)

MMC27 – Diane Mackey (PDF)

MMC28 – Stephen and Sue Malme (PDF)

MMC29 – Historic England (PDF)

MMC30 – David Jennings (PDF)

MMC31 – Adèle Bird (PDF)

MMC32 – MPC – Designing Out Crime (PDF)

MMC33 – Barbara Sakarya (PDF)

MMC34 – Stephen Lovell (PDF)

MMC35 – Rosy Villar (PDF)

MMC36 – Ruairidh Villar (PDF)

MMC37 – Martin Levin (PDF)

MMC38 – Gerry Delbourgo (PDF)

MMC39 – Jacqueline Stafford (PDF)

MMC40 – Delia Born (PDF)

MMC41 – Sonja Klug (PDF)

MMC42 – Highams Park Planning Group (PDF)

MMC43 – Valerie Gay (PDF)

MMC44 – John Whipp (PDF)

MMC45 – Shrenee Nesaratnam (PDF)

MMC46 – June Laverick (PDF)

MMC47 – Nanette Higgins (PDF)

MMC48 – N Cope (PDF)

MMC49 – Ian Rampton (PDF)

MMC50 – Jarmila Piero (PDF)

MMC51 – Catherine Skeggs (PDF)

MMC52 – Michael Killoran (PDF)

MMC53 – Raymond Moffat (PDF)

MMC54 – Allan Thompson (PDF)

MMC55 – Peter Clarke (PDF)

MMC56 – Natural England (PDF)

MMC57 – Alan Piper (PDF)

MMC58 – Loraine Thompson (PDF)

MMC59 – Michelle Cotter (PDF)

MMC60 – Gerald Osmund (PDF)

MMC61 – Chris Thorndyke (PDF)

MMC62 – Gary Walsh (PDF)

MMC63 – Margaret Wickenden (PDF)

MMC64 – Field Family (PDF)

MMC65 – John Hugill (PDF)

MMC66 – Elisabeth Flint (PDF)

MMC67 – Rosemary Langlands (PDF)

MMC68 – Abigail Woodman (PDF)

MMC69 – NHS Property Services (PDF)

MMC70 – Sport England (PDF)

MMC71 – Rosemary Langlands (Part 2) (PDF)

MMC72 – Rosemary Langlands (Part 3) (PDF)

MMC73 – Transport for London (PDF)

MMC74 – Anthony Thorne (PDF)

MMC75 – S Clark (PDF)

Thursday 27 July to Thursday 21 September 2023. 

Following the Examination in Public hearings in March 2023, the Planning Inspectors and the Council have agreed a schedule of Main Modifications proposed to make Local Plan Part 1 sound and/or legally compliant.  

The proposed Main Modifications will now be subject to an eight-week consultation from 27th July to 21st September 2023. Responses to this consultation will be forwarded to the Inspectors, who will take them into account before issuing their report on the Plan. If the Inspectors find the Plan sound, the Council will then be able to take steps to adopt it later in 2023/ early in 2024.  

The proposed Main Modifications have been subject to updated Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment, as set out in the following supporting documents:  

The Policies Map illustrates the application of policies in the Plan geographically. It is not defined in legislation as a development plan document, but needs to be updated in line with the proposed Main Modifications. For completeness, the Council is therefore also inviting comments on the Proposed Changed to Submission Policies Map.  

For ease of use, a modified version of the Plan is available below to review alongside the schedule of Main Modifications. It is important to note that this is for information only. Any representations you wish to make should refer to the Main Modifications schedule, and if there are discrepancies between the documents, it is the schedule which takes precedence. 

The Council also proposes a number of “Additional Modifications” to the Plan. These changes are not necessary for legal compliance and/or soundness but are proposed to enhance the clarity of the Plan and provide factual updates. For completeness, a schedule of these Additional Modifications is available below, but please note that representations on Additional Modifications are not sought as part of this consultation. 

The Council has also made revisions to the following Local Plan evidence documents to inform the proposed Main Modifications: 

The Inspectors will take into account any comments received In relation to the following documents which have been published alongside the schedule of Main Modifications:   

  • Sustainability Appraisal of the Main Modifications 
  • Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Main Modifications 
  • Updated Five Year Housing Land Supply Statement  
  • Updated Housing Trajectory 

You can make representations on the Main Modifications and/or Policies Map Changes in the following ways:  

Please send us your response by 5pm on 21 September 2023, and include the Main Modification reference number (MM1, MM2 etc) to which your representation refers.  

As the Main Modifications are proposed to make the Plan sound and/or legally compliant, you should consider the tests of soundness when submitting any representation. Paragraph 35 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF 2021) states that plans are sound if they are:  

  1. positively prepared
  2. justified
  3. effective and 
  4. consistent with national policy. 

This consultation is not an opportunity to raise matters relating to other parts of the Plan that have already been considered by the Inspectors during the Examination process. 

Please note that your response will not be treated as confidential. Your comment and name will be made public as it will form part of the Local Plan evidence base, and we are required to provide your full details to the Planning Inspectors and Programme Officer. 

If you have any queries, please email

Local Plan Examination Stage 2 Autumn 2022

Following the March 2023 hearing sessions, the Inspectors have  written their post-hearing letter and the next stage in the Local Plan Examination will be a consultation on proposed main modifications

The Council has undertaken further work to address the soundness issues highlighted in the Inspectors post hearing letter of 5 May 2022. This updated evidence is detailed below and comprises seven key documents and a Topic Paper which sets out how each issue raised has been addressed.

The Inspectors have now written their Further Matters, Issues and Questions relating to this updated evidence, which will form the basis of a new round of public consultation. The consultation ran from 5 December 2022 to 12 noon on 23 January 2023 with consultation responses directly addressing the questions in the inspectors' Further Matters, Issues and Questions.

Following this consultation, hearing sessions resumed on Tuesday 7 March 2023 with further sessions on 8,9 and 10 of March 2023. These sessions were held at Waltham Forest Town Hall. 

Note: You are advised to contact the programme officer if there are any concerns with the draft programme.

Local Plan Hearing Session Documents and Agendas 


LPE67 Stage 2 Hearing Sessions: Council's Opening Statement  (PDF)

LPE68 Amended Table A-1 Existing and Proposed Land Uses (PDF)

LPE69 Proposed modification for Policy 89: Sustainable Design and Construction and 90: Air Pollution (PDF)

LPE70 Proposed modification to Policy 97: Monitoring Growth Targets (PDF)

LPE71 Sustainable Alternative Natural Green Spaces (SANGS) Categories (PDF)

LPE72 Proposed Modification to Policy 83: The Epping Forest and the Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation (PDF)

LPE73 Authority Monitoring Report 2021 to 22 (PDF)

LPE74 Update to LPE74: Updated 5 Year Land Supply (PDF)

LPE75 Proposed modifications to Policy 23: Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople (PDF)

LPE76 Proposed modification to Policies 25: Support Economic Growth and Jobs, 26: Safeguarding and Managing Change in Strategic Industrial Land Locations (SIL), 27: Safeguarding and Managing Change in Locally Significant Industrial Sites (LSIS), 28: Safeguarding and Managing Change in Borough Employment Areas (BEA) & 30: Industrial Masterplan Approach (PDF)

LPE77 Proposed Modifications to Policy 93: Managing Flood Risk (PDF)

Hearing Sessions Day 1

Hearing Session Day 1: Matters 1 and 2 (PDF) 

Hearing Sessions Day 2 

Hearing Session Day 2: Matters 3 and 4 (PDF) 

Hearing Sessions Day 3

Matter 5: Suggestion of Modification of Policy 97 (Managing Flood Risk) updated 9.3.23

Matter 6: Avison Young / London Hotel Group Briefing Note 543 Lea Bridge Road 090323

Hearing Session Day 3: Matters 5 and 6 (PDF) 

Responses to Inspectors' Further Matters Issues and Questions

Matter 1: Duty to Cooperate and Other Legal Requirements 

Council Response

Matter 1: Duty to Cooperate and Other Legal Requirements  (PDF) 

External Responses 

Natural England (PDF)

TFL Property (PDF)

Waltham Forest Civic Society (PDF)

DADRA (Drysdale and District Residents Association) (PDF)

R Gillham Chingford Line Users Association / Highams Park Planning Group (PDF)

D Boote (PDF)

M Chrimes / Costa Coffee Group (PDF)

M Munday (PDF)

B O'Leary (PDF)

S Ritten (PDF)

A Stannard (PDF)

A Woodman (PDF)

Matter 2: Vision, Strategic Objectives, Sustainable Development 

Council Response 

Matter 2: Vision, Strategic Objectives, Sustainable Development (PDF)

External Responses

City of London Corporation (PDF)

Waltham Forest Conservative Councillors (PDF)

Waltham Forest Civic Society (PDF)

Highams Park Planning Group (PDF)

R Gillham Chingford Line Users Association / Highams Park Planning Group (PDF)

M Chrimes / Costa Coffee Group (PDF)

The Arch Company Properties / Turley (PDF)

Black Rock & Neat Developments / Turley (PDF)

J Avis (PDF)

D Boote (PDF)

R Cade (PDF)

J Cheyne (PDF)

H Green (PDF)

D Matson (PDF)

B O'Leary (PDF)

J Reades (PDF)

Matter 3: Housing, Land Supply and Borough-wide Housing Policies 

Council Response

Matter 3: Housing, Land Supply and Borough-wide Housing Policies  (PDF) 

External Responses

City of London Corporation (PDF)

Waltham Forest Civic Society (PDF)

Highams Park Planning Group (PDF)

Waltham Forest Conservative Councillors (PDF)

The Arch Company Properties / Turley (PDF)

Aitch Group (PDF)

Black Rock & Neat Developments / Turley (PDF)

Silverwood Properties / Michael Burrows Associates (PDF)

J Avis (PDF)

D Boote (PDF)

J Gilbert (PDF)

H Green (PDF)

M Munday (PDF)

B O'Leary (PDF)

J Sterland (PDF)

Matter 4: Employment and the Vitality of Centres  

Council Response

Matter 4: Employment and the Vitality of Centres (PDF) 

External Responses

Greater London Authority (GLA) (PDF)

M Chrimes / Costa Coffee Group (PDF)

Black Rock & Neat Developments / Turley (PDF)

Prologis / Lichfields (PDF)

D Boote (PDF)

J Reades (PDF)

Matter 5: The Environment, Climate Change, Pollution and Waste Management 

Council Response

Matter 5: The Environment, Climate Change, Pollution and Waste Management (PDF)

External Responses

Environment Agency (PDF)

Transport for London (TfL) Property (PDF)

Waltham Forest Civic Society (PDF)

Prologis / Knight Frank (PDF)

D Boote (PDF)

A Stannard (PDF)

C Weiss (PDF)

Matter 6: Built Environment Heritage and Design 

Council Response

Matter 6: Built Environment Heritage and Design

External Responses

Greater London Authority (GLA) (PDF)

City of London Corporation (PDF)

Highams Park Planning Group (PDF)

R Gillham Chingford Line Users Association / Highams Park Planning Group (PDF)

Waltham Forest Civic Society (PDF)

DADRA (Drysdale and District Residents Association) (PDF)

Waltham Forest Conservative Councillors (PDF)

The Arch Company Properties / Turley (PDF)

Black Rock & Neat Developments / Turley (PDF)

The London Hotel Group / Avison Young (PDF)

J Avis (PDF)

D Boote (PDF)

R Cade (PDF)

J Cheyne (PDF)

D Matson (PDF)

B O'Leary (PDF)

I McGill (PDF) 

K McGill (PDF)

J Reades (PDF)

K Schling (PDF)

A Stannard (PDF)

E Turner (PDF)

C Weiss (PDF)

Further External Responses

London Parks and Gardens (PDF) 

Highams Residents Association (PDF) 

T Buggins (PDF) 

C De'Ath (PDF) 

J De'Ath (PDF) 

S De'Ath (PDF) 

L Dodd (PDF) 

B Frearson (PDF) 

Dr R Gay (PDF)

T Golburn (PDF) 

J Gilbert (PDF) 

T Gray (PDF) 

A Harber Kelly (PDF) 

M Lane (PDF) 

A Morris (PDF)

M Munday (PDF) 

M Paul (PDF) 

G Poulter (PDF) 

J Poulter (PDF) 

K Poulter (PDF)  

I Rampton (PDF) 

Y Sanders (PDF)

H Shah (PDF) 

R Shah (PDF) 

K Sheed (PDF) 

A Stannard (PDF) 

E Turner (PDF) 

M Turpin (PDF)

S Wood (PDF)

Examination Documents 

Borough-wide evidence

Area Specific Evidence

Whipps Cross planning application and supporting evidence 

New Statement of Common Ground with Natural England

Website Links 


Waltham Forest 

Local Plan post hearings letter and council response

On 5 May 2022 and as a formal part of the examination process, the Council received a post hearing letter from the Planning Inspectors setting out their initial findings and options for the progress of Local Plan part 1. The Council has submitted a written response to this letter on 11 May 2022. Copies of both letters are available below: 

LP1 Post Hearings letter 5 May 2022 (PDF)

Council response to Post Hearings Letter (PDF) 

Local Plan post hearing sessions follow-up lists 

Week 2 Follow up list (PDF)

Week 1 Follow up list (PDF)

Local Plan hearing sessions broadcasting and recording

Week 2 Hearing sessions 

LPE19 Provisional hearings programme V6 (PDF)

Local Plan hearing sessions day 6 matter 7 and matter 8, Thursday 24 March 2022

9:30am Matter 7: 

Hearing session recording, part 1

Hearing session recording, part 2 

2:00pm Matter 8: 

Hearing session recording, part 1

4:15pm Round-up session: 

Round-up session recording, part 1

Local Plan hearing sessions day 5 matter 6 and matter 4 continued. Live broadcast sessions and recordings Wednesday 23 March 2022

9:30am Matter 6

Hearing session recording, part 1

Hearing session recording, part 2

LPE28 Email from D. Matson 23.03.2022 (PDF)

Local Plan hearing sessions day 4, matters 4 and 5 recordings, Tuesday 22 March 2022 

2:00pm Matter 4 continued: 

Hearing session recording, part 3

Hearing session recording, part 4

9:30am Matter 4: 

Hearing session recording, part 1

Hearing session recording, part 2

LPE27 Statement of common ground with the Greater London Authority (GLA) (PDF) 

2:00pm Matter 5: 

Hearing session recording, part 1

Hearing session recording, part 2

LPE26 Proposed modifications to Policy 83 for matter 5 hearing session (PDF)

LPE28 Suggestion for modification of Policy 97 (Flood Risk) Dr RJ Gay on behalf of the Waltham Forest Civic Society. (PDF) 

Week 1 Hearing sessions

Local Plan hearing sessions day 3, matter 3 recordings, Thursday 17 March 2022

Hearing session recording, part 1

Hearing session recording, part 2

Hearing session recording, part 3 

Hearing session recording, part 4

Local Plan hearing sessions day 2, matter 2 recordings, Wednesday 16 March 2022

Hearing session recording, part 1

Hearing session recording, part 2

Hearing session recording, part 3

Hearing session recording, part 4

Local Plan hearing sessions day 1, matter 1 recordings, Tuesday 16 March 2022 

Hearing session recording, part 1

Hearing session recording, part 2

Hearing session recording, part 3

Hearing session recording, part 4

Local Plan examination documents (LP1)

Local Plan matters issues and questions

Agenda matter 1

Agenda matter 2

Agenda matter 3

Agenda matter 4

Agenda matter 5

Proposed modifications to Policy 83 for matter 5 hearing session

Agenda matter 6

Agenda matter 7

Agenda matter 8

Local Plan hearing statements

Local Plan Submission to Planning Inspectorate.

The Council submitted Local Plan Part 1 to the Secretary of State on 30 April 2021. The Planning Inspectorate appointed Sarah Housden and Catherine Jack as joint Planning Inspectors. They will carried out the independent examination on the Local Plan (LP1).

Submission notice (PDF)

Submission letter (PDF)

Key Submission documents 

KD0: Submission documents (PDF)

KD1: Waltham Forest Local Plan (Shaping the borough, LP1) 2020-2035 - Proposed submission document, October 2020 (PDF)

KD2: Schedule of proposed changes to the published plan, April 2021 (PDF)

KD3: Local Plan policies map (PDF)

KD4: Waltham Forest Local Plan (LP1) - Sustainability Appraisal (Submission Version) April 2021 

KD5: Waltham Forest Local Plan (LP1) - Habitats Regulation Assessment (Submission version), April 2021 

KD6: Consultation Statement

KD7: Duty to cooperate statement April 2021 (PDF)

KD8: Schedule of Representations Made (Regulation 19 Stage)  

KD9: Equalities impact assessment (PDF)

KD10: Waltham Forest Local development scheme 2020 to 2023 (PDF)

KD11: Waltham Forest statement of community involvement 2018 (PDF)

KD11.1: Waltham Forest statement of community involvement with addendum (PDF)

KD12: Infrastructure Delivery Plan, Autumn 2021 

KD13: Whole Plan Viability Study, April 2021

Supporting documents 

SD1: Shaping the Borough - Waltham Forest Local Plan, Draft Site Allocations Document (LP2), September 2020 (PDF)

SD2: Schedule of Changes made to the Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan - Shaping the Borough (included in the Proposed Submission Local Plan) (PDF)

SD3: Shaping the Borough Draft Local Plan (Reg 18) 2020 to 2025

SD4: Waltham Forest Local Plan (Shaping the Borough Draft Plan Consultation Report June 2020 (PDF)

SD5: Sustainability Appraisal Report – Draft Local Plan, July 2019 

SD6:  Waltham Forest Local Plan (Direction of Travel Document, Regulation 18), November 2017 (PDF)

SD7: Waltham Forest Local Plan (Direction of Travel Document, Regulation 18), Consultation Report (PDF)

SD8: Sustainability Appraisal Report (Direction of Travel Document) November 2017 (PDF)

Other documents  

The Local Plan is supported by a range of evidence based documents